I’ve just been told about of a great experience using a taxi service telephone channel
Imagine a week or so ago you booked a taxi by phone but accidentally got the dates wrong and had to cancel.
Typically, the scene plays out as follows:
- Dial the taxi firm number
- Explain to the call agent that you have a booking and wanted to cancel, you’d probably also give the reason why just to be polite
- Provide some sort of details to match the record in their database; date and time of booking name, phone number etc.
- Thank the call agent
- Hang up
I was just told of this really interesting alternative:
- Ring the taxi firm number
- Listen to an automated recording listing the existing booking with options to a) cancel booking (press 1) etc.
- Press 1
- Hang up
Matching the telephone number you are calling on to the phone number against the booking and presenting a shortcut of options is a really neat idea.
You’d expect that kind of experience from an app or, God forbib, a chatbot but this is a refreshing example of a great omnichannel experience, especially for a telephone channel.
The taxi service in question is Brighton Taxis
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