
Subscribe to my everything RSS feed.

  1. My new festive habit

    From now on, around the festive period or shortly afterwards, I’m going to give back to the open source developers that have made life more productive and less intrusive. The first of which is’s Indiekit, the utterly superb IndieWeb server. #OpenSource #IndieWeb #Reciprocity

  2. Cennydd Bowles: What Could Go Wrong?

    A fascinating talk about the state of AI and the role of ethics to navigate the potential benefit and harm it could bring.

    I see ethics and responsibility in technology, I see them as radical optimism. I see a community choosing to pursue a future that brings the benefits of technology and AI to everyone, that doesn't leave social impacts to just a few people or the whims of the powerful.

    So I see this sort of commitment to values really as a trellis. That's the analogy I like to use, that the products and the services of the future will take on the shape of the values that we decide upon today.

  3. Online/Offline

    That moment of confusion when you accidentally visit localhost in your browser and your Eleventy site is up despite it not being built locally. You then recall helped you setup an offline service worker and what you’re actually visiting are cached pages. Then come the warm fuzzy feelings.

  4. What are we doing?

    Social media platforms have suffered the same fate as Slack groups. The same people posting the same content across multiple platforms. So much wasted time, effort and energy. What are we doing?