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  1. I highly recommend watching the talk by – HOPE XV (2024): AI, Solarpunk, and an Uncertain Future in Computing – I think you’ll find it really interesting and hopeful.

  2. Time: a non-renewable resource 100% this! I’ve always loved the idea of flipping the power dynamic of a job interview. I’ve often told people asking for career advice that “A job interview is as much about you deciding whether they are the right match for you”. Time as a non-renewable resource is brilliant framing!

  3. Musk: Eat our own poop!


    The cumulative sum of human knowledge has been exhausted in AI training. That happened basically last year.

    The only way to then supplement that is with synthetic data where … it will sort of write an essay or come up with a thesis and then will grade itself and … go through this process of self-learning.

    Also Musk:

    The cumulative sum of sustenance has been exhausted in binge eating. That happened basically today.

    The only way to then supplement that is with human faeces where … it will sort of resemble chocolate ice cream or be the next McDonald’s and then will digest itself and … go through this process of self-nourishment.