General Assembly - User Experience Design - Week 03
Week 3 roundup of User Experience Design course at General Assembly, London.
Session 05 - Synthesising User Research & Generating Personas
Section titled Session 05 - Synthesising User Research & Generating PersonasObjectives
Section titled Objectives- Use our research findings to create an affinity map to analyse findings and trends
- Discover the advantages of using personas and introduce the Jobs To Be Done framework
- Create our own personas based on our research that reflect our target audience
Class Slides
Section titled Class SlidesSynthesising The Data
Section titled Synthesising The Data- It’s a messy business
- Ask why to dig further and really understand your users
Communicating Your Findings
Section titled Communicating Your FindingsIn-house (lightweight methods)
Section titled In-house (lightweight methods)- Photos
- Quotes
- Bulleted lists
- Compilation video clips
- Key takeaways/opportunities
External (robust reports)
Section titled External (robust reports)- The methodology used
- Photos of artefacts used
- Study goals
- Quotes
- Supporting details
- Major takeaways and more detailed opportunities
The objective is to keep people on the same page regardless of who they are. Investigate which deliverable would be most affective and customise the reporting to that. Understanding your in-house teams and clients will give you advantage
Affinity Maps
Section titled Affinity MapsRules
Section titled Rules- Each addition to the map must be either:
- An observation
- A quote
- A behaviour
- Additions can not include solutions - this would be an assumption and premature to discovering what their needs are
Post-it Note Etiquette
Section titled Post-it Note Etiquette- Write in pen e.g. Sharpie - this makes for easier reading and prevents too much detail being added to one Post-it
- One observation per Post-it - you will only want to split the content during the exercise
- Write clearly e.g. in all-caps - so everyone can read what you’ve written
- Colour code participant data - this makes it easier for pattern recognition at a glance
Section titled PersonasWhy Create A Persona?
Section titled Why Create A Persona?- As a designer it’s imperative to know who you’re designing for
- They are sharable and actionable
- Once invested in a persona teams can start to empathise with and champion them
- They help you focus
Focus on what?
Section titled Focus on what?- Personas keeps everyone focused on the users that actually use the product or service
- Prevent you from designing for yourself and applying personal preference and instead design for your target audience
- Assist with shared understanding, particularly with stakeholders who think their customers might one way when in reality they are another
Assuring Quality Personas
Section titled Assuring Quality Personas- Adding context for a richer persona
- What they would do?
- Why they would do it?
- Where are they when they do it?
- What are they using to do it?
- A persona should reflect the overall research findings and be specific
- People won’t be able to empathise with a vague persona, not will they take them seriously
Class Exercises
Section titled Class ExercisesIn groups of 3-6 we collated our research findings from the previous session and ran an affinity mapping exercise and afterward discussed our experience as a group.
With our affinity map complete, we user our findings to create a proto-persona.
- Bio and demographic
- Stories, scenarios and frustrations
- Behaviours and habits
- Needs, problems and goals
After discussing what we had created with our partners we had a group discussion and review.
Section titled Homework- Define out primary and secondary personas for our final project
Related Links
Section titled Related Links- Avoiding Half-baked Personas - Todd Elliott - Adaptive Path
- Using Proto-Personas for Executive Alignment - Jeff Gothelf
- Setting the Foundation for Meaningful Critiques: Goals, Principles, Personas and Scenarios - Adam Connor
- Focus on the Job, Not the Customer - Intercom Blog
Session 06 - Introduction To Interaction Design
Section titled Session 06 - Introduction To Interaction DesignObjectives
Section titled Objectives- Define the scope of IxD
- Explore the principles behind good interaction design
- Outline best practices patterns
Class Slides
Section titled Class SlidesInteraction design focuses on something that traditional design disciplines do not often explore: the design of behaviour. Alan Cooper
Interaction Design (IXD) defines the structure and behaviour of interactive systems. Interaction Design Association
Interaction Design
Section titled Interaction Design- Deals with affordances
- The design of behaviour
- Defines the structure and behaviour of interactive systems
- Good interaction design anticipates the user
- Stems from HCI and ergonomics
- Interrelated to UI design
Delight and Encouragement
Section titled Delight and Encouragement- Improve usability and increases motivation
- Humans respond to psychological cues
UX Hierarchy Of Needs
Section titled UX Hierarchy Of Needs- Experimentation
- Design
- Usability
- Reliability
- Core Functionality
Where does IxD fit?
Section titled Where does IxD fit?- Micro - particular » affordances
- Macro - the whole » flow
Section titled Methods- Task analysis
- User journeys and experience maps
Task Analysis
Section titled Task Analysis- How do users complete their task?
- Happy path vs the path they actually take
- How do we begin to understand?
- Walking through the steps ourselves
- Observing users during usability tests - qualitative
- With analytics data - quantitative
- How might we communicate what we’ve learned?
- Via flow diagrams or through words
Experience and Journey Mapping
Section titled Experience and Journey Mapping- A summary of a customer’s emotional and physical relationship when using your service or product
- Used as a deliverable for IxD
Class Exercise
Section titled Class ExerciseWith our growing research for our in-class project we ran an task analysis and experience mapping exercise to put into practice what we’d just been taught.
Section titled Homework- Define our primary and secondary personas for our final project
- Complete a task analysis and experience mapping exercise for our primary personas
Related Links
Section titled Related Links- Psychology for Designers - Joe Leech
- Complete Beginner’s Guide to Interaction Design - UX Booth
- Task Analysis a UX Designer’s Best Friend - Interaction Design Foundation
- Needs Before Wants in User Experiences – Maslow and the Hierarchy of Needs - Interaction Design Foundation
- Adaptive Paths Guide to Experience Mapping
- UX Mapping Workshop with Andy Parker - UI Breakfast
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