
I use this website to collect, and eventually syndicate, my thoughts and interesting links.

  1. Drastic measures

    I assume the desire for engagement metrics meant the simple method of sharing a podcast mp3 file via an rss feed was no longer viable. Well shenanigans to that! I’ve just thought of a ludicrous way to break podcast content out of its walled-garden so I can reliably point to a mp3 file.

  2. Sideways podcast discovery

    After a bit of a hiatus I’ve got back into listening to podcasts. I’m using an old iPhone 4s as a dedicated device for audio brain food which offers me zero notification distraction. I’m also using @adactio’s which allows me to subscribe to my chosen feed of podcasts via RSS. What I like most about Huffduffer is that I discover content from other users where I wouldn’t necessarily be looking. It’s a constant delight!