Receive Netlify Notification on Telegram
A clearly written guide for creating a Telegram bot to receive build notifications webhooks from Netlify.
rolltime – HOPE XV (2024): AI, Solarpunk, and an Uncertain Future in Computing
One of my favorite and talks of 2024 is one that addresses LLMs, climate change, and energy consumption. The Solar Protocol was and approximate multipliers are fascinating. If you need a bit of hope in your life at the moment, watch this!
Time: a non-renewable resource 100% this! I’ve always loved the idea of flipping the power dynamic of a job interview. I’ve often told people asking for career advice that “A job interview is as much about you deciding whether they are the right match for you”. Time as a non-renewable resource is brilliant framing!
Cycles: 20250101-20250112
Cycles: These are my new no-pressure weeknotes. It’s the first week of January so hope and enthusiasm is high. Let’s hope it continues.
Musk: Eat our own poop!
The cumulative sum of human knowledge has been exhausted in AI training. That happened basically last year.
The only way to then supplement that is with synthetic data where … it will sort of write an essay or come up with a thesis and then will grade itself and … go through this process of self-learning.
Also Musk:
The cumulative sum of sustenance has been exhausted in binge eating. That happened basically today.
The only way to then supplement that is with human faeces where … it will sort of resemble chocolate ice cream or be the next McDonald’s and then will digest itself and … go through this process of self-nourishment.
Coglode Newsletter
The latest Coglode newsletter combines of my 2 favourite things; Japanese culture and behavioral research analysis. Excellent stuff from our-man-in-Japan Jerome Ribot.
Pave the cowpaths
Interesting to see Monzo releasing fully-fledged saving products within their app based on user-generated IFTTT recipes using their API. Leveraging interoperability as a way to innovate is a smart move. This has become this
Watching Async: How We Built the World Wide Web in Five Days
Watching and walk us through building the World Wide Web in five days, from the comfort of my own home. We’ve come a long way! Thanks to Async for livestreaming! Do I spot and @briansuda@loðfí in that pic too? Watch along here
I Deleted My WhatsApp Account
After hearing about Zacebook’s CEO M. Fuckerberg’s move to align his range of poison products to the same toxicity levels of Xitter, I deleted my WhatsApp account in a heartbeat. Let the Big Tech Exorcism™ continue in 2025! #FreeTheFacebookPrisoners
What Is Design Fiction?
A concise and effective video introduction to design fiction from the folks at Near Future Laboratory.
In simple terms, design fiction is like archeology for the future.
Design fiction isn’t focused on the movie star. It’s interested in the production design in the corner of the frame. Design fiction isn’t obsessed with the latest glossy device. He wants to know what’s written in the little Terms and Conditions slip.
So that’s design fiction, the practice of creating tangible and evocative prototypes from possible near futures to help discover and represent the consequences of decision making.