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Engineering a better design test
How can we adapt our tools for better testing?
It’s okay: Advice for research newcomers
I recently responded to a community post asking for advice for settling nerves during a first time customer research activity.
How to embrace inclusivity in UX research
Kelly Erickson gives some useful tips on how to make our research more inclusive.
Recipeasly promised to ‘fix’ online recipes. After critics called it theft, the site shut down.
@timcarman’s very thought provoking article about innovation, copyright, and cultural stories of underrecognised groups.
The stories are personal. They’re cultural. They’re often told from the perspective of women, immigrants and people of color who have created and invested in a platform to share their stories. The recipe aggregator sites, bloggers note, basically tell the creators that their stories have no value. It’s the same message America has told immigrants and women for centuries, now just in electronic form.
Writing UX Research Objectives — Using S.M.A.R.T. Goals Method
Edward Beebe-Tron introduces the benefit of setting research objectives using the S.M.A.R.T. goals method.
Meet the Robowaiter APIs Serving Us Data
@mappletons’s beautifully illustrated introduction to APIs.
The role of research in Design Systems
A decent overview of design systems with a slight hintof how research could play it’s part.
New book! Dr. Smartphone: An Ethnography of Mobile Phone Repair Shops.
An absolutely fascinating look at the the culture of mobile phone repair shops. I want this book!
What is Accessibility?
The first of @HugoGiraudel’s 25 accessibility posts from their 2020 A11y Advent Calendar. This post offers a brief overview of what accessibility is.
How to pick the right UX research method
Elisa Baliani shares her research cheat sheet for selecting the right research method and tips for better planning. Mixed methods FTW!