Tagging: JTBD
Jobs To Be Done: One Key Idea About How To Build Products And Services In Post-Pandemic Times
@Sajal4mThen’s interesting take of the challenge and opportunity for small businesses in post-pandemic age through the lens of JTBD.
Jobs to be done personas
@productherapist’s advice in creating personas supported by JTBD research.
Jobs To Be Done
An excerpt from @jimkalbach latest book The Jobs To Be Done Playbook.
The most important moments to talk to users
Jordan Jackson outlines the two most important moments to speak to customers.
Questions that I have found useful
Jordan Jackson’s inspired post with a huge list of incredibly useful research questions to use with specific research methods.
An Introduction to Modern Product Discovery Practices
@ttorres’s product discovery keynote from Productized Conference 2016.
Goal: learn fast
(Output » Outcome)
- Are we meeting stakeholder needs?
- Can customers us it?
- Do customers want a solution?
- Are we solving a problem customers care about?
- Are we droving toward a desired outcome?
The Opportunity Solution Tree: Desired Outcome (OKR) » Opportunity (JTBD/product strategy) » Solution » Experiment
JTBD Analytics - What jobs are site visitors trying to get done?
An interesting method of surfacing jobs from website analytics data such as search logs.
Job Stories — Best Friend of Sales
@sboyd47 suggests how job stories could benefit the entire organisation but more specifically sales by offering an extended emotional shared-language.
Designing features using Job Stories
Maish Nichani offers some great examples and advice for designs using the JTBD framework.
JTBD research aims to understand jobs:
- What the job is hired to do
- In what situations are they needed
- Challenges in completing
- Criteria of evaluating success
Designing features using Job Stories
Alan Klement explaining how JTBD job stories can help during the feature design phase. Bonus urls to comments highlights!
Bonus urls to comments highlights: